Johnny Depp Moves Fans to Tears, Big Names on TV and the Fashion Los Angeles Awards in Celebs on File
Join us for another edition of Celebs of File as we bring you the latest in news and fashion from across the globe.
Johnny Depp brings UK fans to tears at the Moertdecai premiere and talks about cracking up on set with co-star Paul Bettany. Richard Linkletter’s Boyhood received the London Critics' Circle award for Film of the Year and gives his thoughts on the film and its extremely personal nature.
Back in LA we visit the premiere of Black or White, where stars in attendance included Kevin Costner accompanied by his wife and daughter. Over in New York we check out the press conference for New Kids on the Block’s upcoming tour with TLC and Jennifer Lopez visiting the Wendy Williams show, Anne Hathaway on the Today Show and Jennifer Aniston appearing on Good Morning America.
We catch up with Jude Law at the premiere of Black Sea then to the first annual Fashion Los Angeles Awards. Presenters at the awards including big names like Miley Cyrus, Kanye West and Drew Barrymore and we had a chat with Scandal star Kerry Washington about the importance of shoes.
At the Sundance Film Festival, Robert Redford had some serious words to say about freedom of expression, meanwhile celebrity life in New York keeps lighthearted with appearances from the Flying Elvis' and Tony Danza.