Fashion Frontline: Lookbooks 2

Is one of the trends for this summer 2013! The choice of only a few items keeps this look bold and simple. A white chemise with black edging is worn together with my favourite peplum fitted black skirt and tasselled earrings. Keep it minimal this season and you will be sure to make an impression!

If you cant find it, dye it!! I dyed this fine cotton shirt vibrant lime and paired it with a black short peplum skirt with a black and gold belt, comlimenting the outfit perfectly. The addition of gold triangular earrings with a simplistic necklass completes the look. This is a real winner!

This lively coloured chemise with a studded pocket was worn over a white singlet and paired with a grey sophisticated pencil skirt. Bringing a bit of ‘zest’ to this outfit with the addition of a gold and black sequened belt. The choice of black high heeled shoes ties neatly in with the black and gold belt.

This bottle green shirt with gold studs was worn over a white fitted body. This was complimented by a Rouge knee length tight-fitted skirt and black belt. The Pièce de résistance is the Turquoise and gold rope necklass which lifts this polished look!