I found myself pondering some of the Fashion News of last week with one in particular catching my attention – “The 100 most powerful women in the world”.
At first I thought it strange that so many women on the list were Fashion-related, however on reflection I can see what a massive influence fashion plays in our daily lives and how important it is in 2013. Not only can fashion change the way you feel about yourself, it dictates how you perceive others, it can set the ambiance, it can give life to people and be a thing of hope. Like sports for men, it has the ability to unite women (though not select to) all over the world.
In the words of the ever stylish and wise Coco Chanel, “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
So play with your clothes. Style is not always a thing of what’s on ‘Trend’. It’s an expression of yourself. Every day is a blank canvas and it’s up to you how artistic you want to be. Surprise yourself. Get creative!
“Oh, never mind the fashion. When one has a style of one’s own, it is always 20 times better.” Margaret Oliphant.
Your Fashion Frontline host,